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✔ Price: $197

Do you want to discover the Secrets of Reality Transurfing and take control of your Life?

What is Reality Transurfing?

It is first and foremost a mental and spiritual approach that allows us to grasp the true energetic secret of life and develop your full and total realization...

A current of thought that has millions of admirers internationally, and which allows us to realize our dreams and reach our true goals by acting within ourselves, on the internal vertical plane.

Transurfing, which the Russian physicist Vadim Zeland revealed in a large series of best sellers, helps us free our personal energy - often harnessed in sterile struggles on the external horizontal plane - and allows us to move effortlessly in the Space of Variations to get where we want, without attachments, resentments, useless waste of talent...

It is an esoteric discipline of reality management that in a short time has traveled around the world, gathering enthusiastic acclaim for its simplicity and efficiency.

This discipline is in fact simultaneously:

- A fascinating and refined Personal Growth philosophy

- An extremely valid Esoteric Technology of materialization of reality

- A practical and very simple to apply method of Emotional Management

- An enormously effective approach to personal and professional Human Relationships

- A Wellbeing and Prevention school of great value and immediate verifiability

The only limit of this discipline is that you must have time and desire to read and interpret the numerous texts written on the subject (even if they are not always easy to read), find in the meanders of the web tricks and secrets of those who practice Transurfing from time, find ways to put them into practice by adapting them to your personal needs.

This is why we have decided to condense all classic Transurfing - at least as regards the mental, emotional and energetic part - into a single 3-part path!

♦ 10 AUDIO, for a total of over 11 and a half hours of course

♦ 3 EBOOKS, with the illustrated transcription of the Audio, for over 324 pages

♦ 11 SHEETS, including mind maps, graphics and additional illustrations

Wed, 06 Mar 2024 10:20:04 +0100 I FEEL GOOD
15 Ways to Make Money Easily with AI and Chat GPT

✔ Price: $14.99

Unlocking the Future of Earnings with AI and Chat GPT
Are you ready to embark on a journey of innovation, knowledge, and financial opportunity? "15 Ways to Make Money Easily with AI and Chat GPT" is your comprehensive guide to understanding, leveraging, and profiting from the dynamic world of artificial intelligence and Chat GPT.

Understanding the AI Universe
Discover the essence of AI and Chat GPT, unraveling their inner workings, applications, and potential. From the basics to the advanced, you'll grasp the foundations of this transformative technology.

AI Across Industries
Explore how AI and Chat GPT are revolutionizing diverse sectors, from healthcare to education, e-commerce to finance. This book unravels the myriad of ways you can monetize these technologies in different fields.

Building Your AI Brand
Master the art of creating a personal brand in AI, building an online presence, networking with industry professionals, and establishing credibility as a thought leader. Your brand is your ticket to exciting opportunities.

Ethical and Legal Considerations
Dive into the ethical considerations that underpin AI development, explore the evolving legal landscape, and learn how to protect your AI-related ventures in a responsible and compliant manner.

The Future of AI and Chat GPT
Peek into the crystal ball of AI's future. Discover emerging trends, upcoming technologies, and the key to seizing the limitless opportunities in this ever-evolving domain.

Global Engagement and Collaboration
Forge connections with AI professionals worldwide, collaborate across disciplines, and keep an eye on the expansive AI landscape. Your global network is your bridge to success.

Tools for Your AI Journey
Our appendices offer valuable tools, from glossaries to project templates, ethical guidelines to personal branding checklists. These resources are your toolkit for navigating the AI universe.

A Lifelong Learning Journey
The journey doesn't end here; it's a lifelong learning adventure. Stay curious, adapt to change, and remain open to the endless possibilities AI and Chat GPT present.

The Future is Yours to Shape
With the knowledge and insights from this book, you're not just an observer; you're an active participant in shaping the future of AI and Chat GPT. Embrace the opportunities, engage with the community, and let your curiosity and creativity chart the course.

This is Your Ticket to AI Success
Welcome to a world where knowledge is your currency and innovation your passport to success. "15 Ways to Make Money Easily with AI and Chat GPT" is your ticket to a future filled with innovation, financial gains, and boundless possibilities.

Thu, 23 Nov 2023 18:00:45 +0100 Val Gar
Longevità Attiva (Italian Ebook)

✔ Price: $12


  • Do you believe in the value of intelligent prevention ?
  • Would you like to find a way to slow down the hands of time ?
  • Do you want to discover the hidden secrets of Happy Centenarians ?
  • Would you like to know the life-extending nutrients that help you stay fit ?
  • Wouldn't it be nice to reach 120 with the energy and enthusiasm of a twenty-year-old ?
  • Would you like to find out what are the determining factors of active longevity ?

If you answered YES at least 1 time... READ CAREFULLY , you may find valuable information!

October 23, 2023

from Viviana and Leonardo 's desk

Living long is one of the most popular desires ever. Without disturbing the myths ( Fountain of Eternal Youth , Holy Grail , Philosopher's Stone , etc.), the fact that people want to live longer is amply demonstrated by the enormous market of well-being, diets and wellness : people today do everything to stay young , to not age, to slow down the signs of time, not only on a physical level but also on a mental and emotional level.

Living long is one of the most widespread desires...

Medical science cannot yet solve many of the serious pathologies that we are all unfortunately familiar with, but although there are more shadows than lights on the pharmaceutical market ( ) , there is no doubt that developments in medical technology and prevention have lengthened the average lifespan.

... and it's true that science today is extending our lives.

However, living a long time doesn't make much sense if you live badly . Who among us would like to reach 120 years of age, spending 30 of them in conditions of disability , burdening the people we love, and without that autonomy that makes life worth living ? In this sense, we still have a lot to learn, especially from populations who, despite their apparent backwardness, not only live long, but above all live well .

But who would want to face years of sickness and infirmity?

Living passively for a long time cannot therefore be the goal... The real goal is to live well , to live for a long time in an active way , cultivating a passion, a reason for living, something that is worth reaching 130 years old, smiling, thinking and continuing to dance the celebration of life!

The goal is to live well, long and actively, cultivating a passion that makes us happy...

With this practical purpose in mind, we have combed through the major scientific studies on longevity , and combined them with our personal and professional experience in the fields of Nutrition , Detox and Wellness . Physical, but also emotional, relational and spiritual well-being, because healthy active longevity does not only depend on how you take care of your body , but also on how you interact with others and above all on how you treat your mind , your heart and your Soul .

To achieve this goal in a simple way, we looked for the best solutions: from here...

Exactly what is  Active Longevity ?

Active Longevity. The Secrets of the Blue Zones " is a  new book  by I FEEL GOOD!

This is the ultimate guide for those who want to live 130 years while staying fit! A brilliant manual by Leonardo Di Paola & Viviana Taccione, which starting from studies on the legendary Blue Zones (the 5 areas in the world where the greatest number of Happy Centenarians live), reveals 12 behaviors and mental habits that are fundamental for living well and for a long time.

Because if it is important to aim for 130 years, it is equally essential to get there with a head and a body that still function , to avoid being a burden to the people we love and to have valuable experiences until the end of the Journey ! 

Active Longevity is therefore a book that we offer you with all our heart, full of practical indications, smooth, illustrated, simple, complete and fun, which will make you want to love yourself even more and which we are sure you will like a lot...

What you find in the Active Longevity™ Ebook ...

  • The paradox of Western longevity
  • Because longevity is a relative value
  • From marshmallows to 120 years
  • Pleasure , responsibility and healthy discipline
  • Dalla To do list alla To be list
  • Medical care and longevity: a relationship worth reviewing
  • DNA vs Lifestyle: an unexpected revelation
  • Applying the Pareto Principle to active longevity
  • The extraordinary discoveries about the Blue Zones
  • What the 5 longest-lived areas in the world have in common
  • Wealth and longevity, an unexpected connection
  • How to defend yourself from marketing oriented pseudo-science
  • The 12 fundamental pillars to build healthy active longevity
  • How happy Blue Zone Centenarians eat
  • Which foods drastically reduce the chances of heart attacks and tumors
  • The unexpected healthy vegetable/fruit ratio
  • The winning trick of Hara hachi bu

  • The 3 reasons why calorie reduction keeps you young
  • The key factor of healthy physical fitness
  • Smoking , swapping , heat not burn : the whole truth
  • What is the maximum alcohol content for a long and active life
  • The 15 reasons why it is worth exercising (even as adults)
  • How and why to keep telomeres long
  • All the secrets on the 3 ideal physical activities for active longevity
  • Bathrooms that unexpectedly extend life
  • Supplements : do they really help you live longer?
  • Stress and aging: a relationship not to be underestimated
  • The power of good mood : the amazing sticker test
  • How to manage fears and obsessions to age less
  • How Friendship Extends Our Life
  • Okinawa's Terrific Anti-Aging Social Trick
  • Art , Spirituality , Mission : the essential secret
  • Meditate , a universal panacea for well-being, mood and brain
  • The Final Gamble : how to start the journey towards your active longevity
Mon, 23 Oct 2023 18:38:41 +0200 I FEEL GOOD